Water and Sanitation Deputy Minister David Mahlobo, eThekwini Mayor Councillor Cyril Xaba, and officials from uMngeni-uThukela Water assessed progress at the KwaXimba Package Plant and Nagle Dam.
A HIGH POWERED government delegation has commended the progress that has been made at the KwaXimba Package Plant following a site inspection of the facility on 6 November. The plant aims to ensure sufficient water supply to thousands of households in the area. Water and Sanitation Deputy Minister David Mahlobo together with eThekwini Mayor Councillor Cyril Xaba and members of the City’s Executive Committee applauded the facility which has significantly improved water supply for KwaXimba’s Ward 1 residents. Phase 1 of the project, which produces two megalitres per day, has been completed. Phase 2 of the project will produce five megalitres per day once complete. Once fully operational, the two package plants will be interconnected to produce seven megalitres and supply the whole KwaXimba community.
The Municipality has collaborated with the national Department of Water and Sanitation and uMngeni-uTukela Water on the KwaXimba Package Plant. Highly impressed with the project, Deputy Minister Mahlobo said since the completion of Phase 1 of the package plant, there has been significant improvement in water supply in KwaXimba. “It is very pleasing that there is an increase in the number of KwaXimba residents who have access to clean potable water. Although there are areas that are still faced with the challenge of water supply, teams are working hard to install water pipes. The progress that has been made at the package plant has restored hope in residents,” he said. The project has created 160 job opportunities of which 40 are occupied by women. Currently, 40 local workers are receiving construction skills training, and an additional 40 individuals are set to begin training in artisanal skills which includes plumbing.
Mayor Xaba said the facility and the installation of water infrastructure currently taking place in the area will assist to meet the water demand which results from rapid urbanisation. “EThekwini Municipality has prioritised the challenge of water shortages and we are working round the clock to ensure that all communities have sufficient water supply because water is a basic human right,” he explained. Inkosi Simingaye Mlaba thanked the delegation for changing the lives of KwaXimba residents. He said the community had faced the challenge of water shortages for many years, with some residents resorting to collecting water from nearby rivers which was a health hazard and sadly resulted in fatalities. The delegation also visited Nagle Dam to assess water quality at the facility.